group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
For a monomorphism of groups, a -structure on a -principal bundle is a reduction of the structure group from to .
Alternatively, for an epimorphism of groups, a -structure on a -principal bundle is a lift of the structure group from to .
A -reduction of the frame bundle of a smooth manifold is called a G-structure.
Remark 1.1. As one passes to higher differential geometry, the (epi, mono) factorization system dissolves into the infinite tower of (n-epi, n-mono) factorization systems, and hence the distinction between reduction and lift of structure groups blurs. One may just consider generally for a homomorphism of ∞-groups the problem of factoring a modulating morphism through this morphism, up to a chosen homotopy.
We spell out three equivalent definitions.
Let be the ambient (∞,1)-topos, let be two ∞-groups and let be a homomorphism, hence the morphism in between their deloopings. Write
for the corresponding fiber sequence, with the homotopy fiber of the given morphism. By the discussion at ∞-action this exhibits the canonical -∞-action on the coset object .
Let furthermore be a -principal ∞-bundle in . By the discussion there this is modulated essentially uniquely by a cocycle morphism such that there is a fiber sequence
The reduction of the structure of the cocycle is a diagram
in , hence a morphism
in the slice (∞,1)-topos .
By the discussion at associated ∞-bundle such a diagram is equivalently a section
of the associated fiber ∞-bundle.
The above is the categorical semantics of what in the homotopy type theory internal language of is given by the syntax
See the discussion at ∞-action.
This expresses the fact that the reduction of the structure group along is equivalently a -equivariant map .
reduction of tangent bundle along orthogonal group inclusion : vielbein, orthogonal structure,
reduction of tangent bundle along symplectic group inclusion : almost symplectic structure;
subsequent lift to the metaplectic group : metaplectic structure
induced lift over Lagrangian submanifolds to the metalinear group : metalinear structure;
reduction of tangent bundle along inclusion of complex general linear group : almost complex structure;
further reduction to the unitary group : almost Hermitian structure;
reduction of generalized tangent bundle along : generalized complex geometry,
further reduction along : generalized Calabi-Yau manifold ;
reduction of generalized tangent bundle along : G₂-structure;
reduction of generalized tangent bundle along : generalized vielbein, type II geometry;
reduction of exceptional tangent bundle along maximal compact subgroup of exceptional Lie group : exceptional generalized geometry
reduction of exceptional tangent bundle along : N=1 11d sugra compactification on
In the generality of principal infinity-bundles, reductions/lifts of structure groups are discused in section 4.3 of
Last revised on July 18, 2024 at 12:49:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.